The Zen of Singing
Do you want to sing with more power, clarity, and command? Do you want to love the sound of your voice and to please others with your singing? Then my Zen of Singing classes are for you. I have been blessed with a wide range of teachers in my 42 years of singing, from opera stars to jazz masters, and I want to share with you the teachings and techniques I have received. Here are two class series I'm offering right now.
The Amazing Zen Singing Class and Choir
Next class:
7-8 PM Saturday, October 22, 2016
Windsor, VT
Bring your axe: jam afterwards!
facebook event:
This class is open to anyone, though geared for adults. It will be at our house in Windsor, VT. Meet and greet at 6:30 PM with some tea and yummies (feel free to bring things to share). The structured portion of the evening is 7:00-8:00 PM. We'll start singing at 7 PM sharp, so please be here a few minutes before to get some tea, say "hi" and relax. The cost is FREE. Contact me for directions.
The format of "The Amazing Zen Singing Class and Choir" is a structured singing choir, but you don't need to rehearse any songs beforehand, or have special abilities, or commit to any other sessions. We'll do some group warm-ups and exercise, some chanting, some harmony exercises, and then we'll sing some songs, which we'll improvise over and break down for work on harmony and rhythm.
Feel free to read about my method here: Zen of Singing: the Method
If you want theory and technique, in a quick, deep-dive, then please come to the more technique-oriented, ass-kicking Zen of Singing: Techniques I

Zen of Singing: Techniques I
This class is two two-hour sessions, and focuses on technique, from breathing, to tone, to pitch, to letting it all out. It has lots of good theory and technique and singing. Most of the time will be singing, working on each technique in a musical way.
If you've come to one of my shows, or been at a Cowboy Lounge before, and ever thought "I know I could sing with power and beauty if I just..." then you owe it to yourself to experience the joy that singing from your true self can give with just a few hours of play and technique.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than singing with others, and helping others to find the beauty in their voices. Children are blessed with clear, piercing voices, and adults find many ways to stiffle these sounds. Once we un-learn these tapes, we can sing with our true voices, and express the beauty that is inside all of us. In the Zen of Singing: Techniques I class, I'll share techniques that will open up your true voice quickly and powerfully.
If you want something more informal, but just as fanatical about good group singing, join our weekly-ish rehearsals aka The Amazing Zen Singing Class and Choir.
Please read more about my technique here: Zen Singing - the Method